Bilderberger Plot to Control U.S. Food Supply


March 7, 2009

On February 23, the Federal Times reported on HR 875, a bill that would grant the FDA sweeping new powers to regulate food. It was introduced by Rep. Rosa DeLauro and arrived shrouded in hype, specifically the hysteria surrounding a recent salmonella outbreak linked to products from Peanut Corp. of America.

Add to the hype last year’s outbreak of salmonella in imported peppers and a 2006 E. coli outbreak that was linked to fresh spinach and the stage is set to implement the FDA’s “food protection plan” requiring farmers and food producers to register with the government every two years.

“If there’s any good that can come from this tragic outbreak, it is long-overdue changes that can help protect the American public from the food supply,” Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., said in early February at a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on oversight and investigations. In short, the government will tighten its grip on the food supply and will ultimately strangle small, independent farmers.
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How To Survive Despite the Economy!

By Susan Hinds

Are you worried about their ability to move ahead when you are constantly bombarded with information about how bad things are? Every time you listen to the television or radio there is more news of job cuts and it seems like the media is trying to scare us to death. The present state of the economy offers you an opportunity to look at your life and make the decision to give up or to try a new approach. Here are 7 tips to make sure that you move ahead and make the coming years your best ever.

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Fox Admits To Planting Political Agendas In Popular TV Shows

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, March 6, 2009

Fox Admits To Planting Political Brainwashing In Popular TV Shows 060309top

Rupert Murdoch’s Twentieth Century Fox corporation has admitted to planting political brainwashing within its globally popular TV shows and indeed boasts that it is proud of the fact.

A corporate video currently being showcased on another part of Murdoch’s media empire,, shows Fox executives and stars of its universally recognized shows bragging about how they use the platform of hit shows that are broadcast globally to implant messages about the supposed threat of global warming.

This is not the first time Fox have been enthusiastic in propagandizing for the establishment. In 2003, Rupert Murdoch himself admitted that the corporation had “tried” to help the Bush administration sell the war in Iraq.

The text accompanying the video states, “In 2006, News Corp. embarked upon a company wide initiative to reduce the size of its carbon footprint.”

The means by which this “initiative” was carried out is then made clear by a plethora of clips from Fox’s most popular shows – the Simpsons, King of the Hill, Family Guy, Prison Break – which are all loaded with messages about global warming and the need to do something about it.

“What could we do on a practical level to start making a difference,” asks one executive before another answers, “The biggest thing we’ve done is inserting messages about the environment into some of our content.”
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